Needle felted Christmas Gnomes. (SOLD OUT)

Past Event

It's time to learn to make Needle Felted Christmas Gnomes!

Come and try your hand at making these delightfully festive Xmas gnomes. Needle felting, also known as dry felting, is a method of making felted crafts without water. It uses special types of needles and involves repeatedly stabbing pieces of wool to harden and shape them into the desired shape for making 3D sculptures and creations.

Our lovely staff member Stacey will be demonstrating her needle felting skills to help you create a needle felted gnome of your own! Beginners are very welcome.

Note: This is an Adult only event.
When: Wednesday 22 November 2023 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Where: Bassendean Memorial Library,  46 Old Perth Road, Bassendean WA 6054

Event Details

Time: 1.30pm-3.30pm

Location: Bassendean Memorial Library - Meeting Room 1

Cost: Free event

Category: General

Type: General

Audience: All Ages

Event Date(s)

  • Wednesday 22nd November 2023

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